What kind of leader am I? In this discussion board, I would like to get a little personal insight into YOUR leadership style. ?What kind of leader are you? ?Do you prefer the tra


What kind of leader am I?

In this discussion board, I would like to get a little personal insight into YOUR leadership style.  What kind of leader are you?  Do you prefer the transactional approach, or are you more comfortable being transformational?  If you have not had much experience in being a leader yet, under what type of leadership style do you prefer to work?  


APA STYLE 7 edt.

3 References: must be from current nursing journals (within the last 5 years)

3 pages long 

Criteria Ratings Pts

5 pts

5 pts

4 pts

5 pts

4 pts

5 pts

2 pts

Initial Posting: Content

5 pts Excellent Initial posting fully addresses all aspects of the discussion. Information is factually correct, reflective, and substantive contribution which advances discussion

4 pts Proficient Initial posting adequately addresses all aspects of the discussion. Information is factually correct but lacks full development of concepts in discussion.

2 pts Marginal Initial posting loosely addresses all aspects of the discussion and does not add substantive information to the discussion.

0 pts Below Expectation No initial posting

Initial Posting: Word Count

5 pts Excellent Post contains a minimum of 200 words

4 pts Proficient Post contains 150-199 words

2 pts Marginal Post contains 100-149 words

0 pts Below Expectation No initial posting or post contains less than 100 words.

Initial Posting: Timing

4 to >0.0 pts On Time Posts by deadline. Each day late is 1 point deduction

0 pts Not on time Post is more than 3 days late

Initial Posting: References

5 pts Excellent Uses two or more references: At least one must be from current nursing journals (within the last 5 yrs). One reference may come from required course textbook or appropriate health care related government website.

4 pts Proficient Uses two references: At least one must be from nursing journals (age 5-10 years). Only one reference may come from required course textbook or appropriate health care related government website.

2 pts Marginal Uses only one reference from current nursing journals (within the last 5 yrs), OR 2 references are older than 5 years.

0 pts Below Expectation Uses no references to a nursing journal, uses websites, or uses only personal experience

Initial Posting: APA

4 to >0.0 pts Satisfactory Initial post cited in correct APA format. 4 points possible: in-text citation (2) and reference list entry (2)

0 pts Below Expectation All 4 incorrect: in-text citation (2) and reference list entry (2).

Reply #1: Content

5 pts Excellent Demonstrates thorough analysis of peer posts; discussion is meaningful by building on previous posts. Any questions posed to peers are thoughtful and relevant to discussion

4 pts Proficient Demonstrates partial analysis of peer posts with some meaningful discussion.

2 pts Marginal Demonstrates incomplete analysis of peer posts without meaningful discussion.

0 pts Below Expectation No reply post

Reply #1: Word Count

2 pts Excellent Post contains a minimum of 150 words

1 pts Marginal Post contains 80-149 words.

0 pts Below Expectation Post contains less than 80 words or no reply post

8/21/24, 4:06 PM Discussion Board-McGee-Summer 2024

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Criteria Ratings Pts

1 pts

2 pts

2 pts

5 pts

2 pts

1 pts

Reply #1: Timing

1 pts On Time Posts reply by deadline.

0 pts Not on time No reply by deadline

Reply #1: References

2 pts Excellent Uses one or more references: must be from current nursing journals (within the last 5 years), or may come from required course textbook or appropriate health care related government website

1 pts Marginal Use one reference: nursing journal greater than 5 years.

0 pts Below Expectation Uses no references to a nursing journal, uses websites, or uses only personal experience

Reply #1: APA

2 to >0.0 pts Satisfactory Reply post cited in correct APA format. One point for each: in-text citation and reference list entry

0 pts Below Expectation Both incorrect: in-text citation and reference list entry

Reply #2: Content

5 pts Excellent Demonstrates thorough analysis of peer posts; discussion is meaningful by building on previous posts. Any questions posed to peers are thoughtful and relevant to discussion

4 pts Proficient Demonstrates partial analysis of peer posts with some meaningful discussion.

2 pts Marginal Demonstrates incomplete analysis of peer posts without meaningful discussion.

0 pts Below Expectation No reply post

Reply #2: Word Count

2 pts Excellent Post contains a minimum of 150 words

1 pts Marginal Post contains 80-149 words.

0 pts Below Expectation Post contains less than 80 words or no reply post

Reply #2: Timing

1 pts On Time Posts reply by deadline.

0 pts Not on time No reply by deadline

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https://arkansasstateuniversity.instructure.com/courses/67787/rubrics/80274 3/4

Total Points: 50

Criteria Ratings Pts

2 pts

2 pts

3 pts

Reply #2: References

2 pts Excellent Uses one or more references: must be from current nursing journals (within the last 5 years), or may come from required course textbook or appropriate health care related government website

1 pts Marginal Use one reference: nursing journal greater than 5 years.

0 pts Below Expectation Uses no references to a nursing journal, uses websites, or uses only personal experience

Reply #2: APA

2 to >0.0 pts Satisfactory Reply post cited in correct APA format. One point for each: in-text citation and reference list entry

0 pts Below Expectation Both incorrect: in-text citation and reference list entry

Mechanics 3 pts Excellent Free of errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling.

2 pts Proficient 1-2 errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling.

1 pts Marginal 3-5 errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling

0 pts Below Expectation Greater than 5 errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling.

8/21/24, 4:06 PM Discussion Board-McGee-Summer 2024

https://arkansasstateuniversity.instructure.com/courses/67787/rubrics/80274 4/4

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