View the film Larry Kramer in Love and Anger

View the film Larry Kramer in Love and Anger 

Author, activist and playwright Larry Kramer was a political firebrand who gave voice to the outrage and grief that inspired a generation of gay men and lesbians to fight for their lives. This pioneering activist co-founded Gay Men’s Health Crisis and ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power), where his calls for direct action protest made AIDS a national issue, forever changing public health policy. An official selection at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, Larry Kramer in Love & Anger is highlighted by present-day footage as he reminisced about his life in the midst of battling complications from a liver transplant and a decade of living with HIV. Featuring unprecedented access to Kramer in his hospital room with David Webster, his partner and then-husband, the film paints a vivid picture of a divisive man who fought tirelessly for gay rights. Larry Kramer was a complicated person that made huge contributions to the early battle against HIV/AIDS. Larry’s views were at times very controversial. Discuss your thoughts on some of Larry’s views and if you agree or disagree with them. Discuss your thoughts on some of

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